Uncover efficiencies to conserve costs, increase tax revenues, and better serve your community.


Is your property appraisal office prepared to keep up with the demands of record-keeping, compliance, and cooperation across departments?


At Cyclomedia, we help property appraisal professionals become more agile and adaptable in their practices through cutting-edge digital resources. Your office can book our solution (vehicles + camera systems + LiDAR sensors) to capture high-resolution images and public street-level data at scale. Cyclomedia then transforms that data into insights that integrate with your existing technology infrastructure.


Governments all over the world use Cyclomedia to better visualize neighborhoods, strengthen their data capabilities, and create 3D representations of environments.

Leading the way with remote property appraisal — Cyclomedia is the trusted source of actionable insights for majority of top 50 MSAs in the US.


Featured Project: 

St. Johns County, FL

Street-Level Imagery Collection

Timeline: November-December 2020

Data Availability: February 2021

Scope: 772,158 images across 2,400 miles


  • Field work replaced with desktop review
  • Increase in coverage by 22,000 parcels
  • $500,000 projected in annual savings
  • More accurate tax roll
  • Ability to virtually “drive” anywhere in the county
  • Reduced need for field visits
  • Streamlined IAAO and MARP compliance

Data integrations

  • Record card
  • Website & mapping
  • Pictometry
  • ESRI (ArcGIS)








Read on for more information on why to act now.